CO2 capture at 2X capacity with costs halved, touts Swiss DAC tech firm

Climeworks is future-proofing its technology for scaling globally to gigaton carbon removals by using the latest research and development findings in its filter materials and plant design. At its annual Carbon Removal Summit in Zurich, Climeworks showcases the success of its Generation 3 direct air capture (DAC) technology: doubling CO₂ capture capacity per module, halving … Read more

New Mexico, industry request to dismiss oil pollution lawsuit, rejected by court

SANTA FE, NM— A district court today [Jun. 10, 2024] rejected requests from the state of New Mexico and fossil fuel industry to dismiss a landmark lawsuit against the New Mexico governor, legislature and state agencies for failing to uphold their constitutional duty to control oil and gas pollution. The case was brought by Indigenous, frontline, … Read more

In California, 1 out of 6 new buses, trucks and vans are non-polluting

A zero-emissions heavy-duty vehicle

SACRAMENTO — The sales of new zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty trucks in California in 2023 have doubled from the prior year, now representing 1 out of every 6 new vehicles sold for services that include last-mile delivery, freight transportation, and school buses, according to a report released by the state today [Jun. 6, 2024]. With 18,473 medium- and heavy-duty … Read more

If rate varies by how much vehicles pollute, then mileage fee supported by 51% of Americans, survey shows

May 20, 2024 — San José, CA The Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI) has released the results from its 15th annual survey in a series that explores public support for raising transportation revenue through higher federal gas taxes or a new mileage fee. A majority of respondents (51%) supported replacing the federal gas tax with a mileage fee … Read more

$12M awarded to UMass researchers to shrink society’s carbon footprint using AI, other computer science tools

AMHERST, Mass. — Artificial intelligence (AI), algorithms and software—meet the next tool kit for creating our sustainable future. The University of Massachusetts Amherst has been awarded $12 million over five years by the U.S. National Science Foundation to develop the field of computational decarbonization, or CoDec, a new branch of computer science and engineering that … Read more

New coal leasing in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin to stop

Wyoming coal-mine coal

GILLETTE, WY — The Biden administration announced today that it will end coal leasing in the Powder River Basin – the largest coal-producing region in the United States. The decision represents an historic shift in federal management of coal in the region, recognizing that the market has shifted away from coal as an electricity source … Read more

2024 ‘State of the Air’ report and findings are out

The American Lung Association’s new “State of the Air” report reveals that spikes in deadly particle pollution are the most severe they’ve been in the history of the report. According to the new report, people in the U.S. experienced the most days with “very unhealthy” and “hazardous” air quality due to particle pollution in 25 … Read more

Latest Annual U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks Inventory released

WASHINGTON — Today, April 11, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released its latest annual Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks (GHG Inventory), which presents a national-level overview of annual greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 to 2022. Net U.S. greenhouse gas emissions were 5,489 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2022, a … Read more