Shareholders rake in billions while utilities drive climate emergency, energy unaffordability: Report

Coal-fired power-plant diagram

WASHINGTON— Six of the nation’s largest utility corporations netted more than $10 billion in profits while disconnecting their customers’ power at least 662,000 times last year — including hundreds of thousands of record-heat summertime shutoffs, according to a report released today [Feb. 3, 2025] by the Center for Biological Diversity. The report, Powerless in the … Read more

Imposed import tariffs could reduce emissions. That would be one good thing

Coming and going container ships make their way on the waters of the San Francisco Bay

The import tariffs the nation’s 47th President, through executive action, imposed (the imposing of said tariffs much to the chagrin of an overwhelming majority of North Americans, or so it would appear), will likely result in the lowering of emissions in the air the countries of Canada, Mexico and the United States commonly share. How … Read more

In UMass Amherst’s updated ‘Air Toxics At School’ screening tool, pollution risks for students nationwide detailed

UMass Amherst Professor and Co-director of PERI’s Corporate Toxics Information Project Michael Ash

AMHERST, Mass. — Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) today published the updated Air Toxics at School database, a web-based platform that tracks toxic air pollution affecting K–12 and higher education institutions nationwide. The tool provides toxicity-weighted concentrations of pollutants, highlighting the health risks students and staff may face due … Read more

Limiting global temperature rise now on us

Digital thermostat

On Jan. 20, 2025, action was initiated by the nation’s now newest Chief Executive to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement. I understand that doesn’t happen immediately: it will take roughly a year. So what can and should be done during this time and beyond to help ensure that the rise in the … Read more

Insights on inside lights…priceless!

Light-Emitting-Diode (LED) pot lighting overhead replacing fluorescent lighting as part of complete bathroom remodel and included revised shower, new countertop, sinks, toilet, tub, faucets and flooring

When I converse with people, sometimes I’m so taken aback by the insights shared. Take, as an example, the conversation I had with a friend recently who noticed there was only one set (a pair, in this instance) of fluorescent lights installed in the lighting provision located in the kitchen ceiling which can actually accommodate … Read more

Being climate-wise requires our being ‘sound-climate-policy implementation-smart’

A zero-emissions heavy-duty vehicle

Experts have declared 2024 the hottest year on record and for the first time in recorded history, the average temperature of air at the Earth’s surface had gone above 1.5 degrees Celsius, the rise being 1.5 degrees C higher than what was present average-surface-air-temperature-wise at the time the Industrial Revolution took effect in 1750. I … Read more

Waste and how to create less of it

Beer bottles

Okay, so how can less waste be generated? Here I consider three types: compostable, recyclable and food. I’ll talk about food first. Food waste The way I cut down on my food waste is by consuming older food items first. Very little food gets uneaten that way. Take bananas, for example. These can get ripe … Read more

About the City of Fresno’s holiday recycling flyer

Montgomery County, Maryland, Municipal recycling facility

On Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025, I received an information mailing (by any other name a circular or flyer) from the City of Fresno having to do with holiday waste disposal. It’s dated December 2024. In Fresno, recycling is, apparently, a big deal; the matter the City no doubt takes very seriously. As far as I’m … Read more

If given a choice, 92 percent of current EV owners revealed in first-ever GEVA-conducted survey they wouldn’t go back to driving a non-EV

Hydrogen car and fuel-filling infrastructure

The weighted results show that only 1% indicate they will return to a petrol or diesel car, and 4% would opt for a plug-in hybrid (PHEV) if they had to replace their car tomorrow. “These results confirm that EV drivers are highly satisfied with their choice, and that reports of declining EV popularity are greatly … Read more