Technology caused climate anomaly. Tech. should save the day, many say

Technology is what’s responsible ultimately for today’s climate anomaly. Yes, anomaly; that’s what some are calling it. Many are saying that technology is what it’s going to take to resolve it. When we talk about technology applied to changing climate or weather, what we’re really talking about is the concept of geoengineering. Geo what? Geoengineering. … Read more

Plug-in vehicle environmental benefits rely on market forces, public policy: Paper

Over the past decade, electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids have become increasingly popular, in part due to their perceived environmental benefits. But to what extent do reduced tailpipe emissions benefit human health and the climate? According to a new paper by scholars at Resources for the Future (RFF), these vehicles provide sizable benefits determined by … Read more

Campaign underway to discourage diesel-engine tampering

A nationwide outreach and education campaign is underway to discourage tampering with diesel engines, as well as to educate lawmakers about the proposed state legislative policies and practices that may actually encourage it, thanks to the Diesel Technology Forum (DTF). Diesel engines are highly coveted tools of work that power key sectors of our economy … Read more

Energy-tied carbon emissions drop 25-38% below 2005 levels by 2030, EIA projects. Ongoing progress in said emissions-reductions to 2050 projected

U.S. energy-related CO2 emissions drop 25% to 38% below what they were in 2005 by 2030, according to projections from the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Annual Energy Outlook 2023 (AEO2023). By the end of the projection period, 2050, U.S. energy-related CO2 emissions are 17% lower in this year’s Reference case compared with last year, … Read more

Climate: What we want and when we want it by

“What do we want?” “When do we want it?” The two most often-posed (and repeated) questions heard at protests, rallies, marches and campaigns whether it be for advocating to end worldwide hunger or stop the destruction of the air, ecosystems and the environment related to the exploitation and burning of fossil fuels. And, speaking of … Read more

Maritime: Greater GHG-emissions reductions called for; int’l. org. has plan

Research into the availability and preparedness of future low- and zero- carbon marine fuels and technology is being conducted as part of a new project. The preparedness and availability of low- and zero-carbon marine fuels will be assessed by the new project The decarbonization of international shipping is a priority for IMO [International Maritime Organization] and by … Read more

U.S. driving miles up. VMT still lag pre-pandemic totals: Report

U.S. vehicle travel miles (VMT), for two consecutive years (2021 and ‘22), rebounded some, this after VMT during 2020 retreated to 2.903 trillion, down from 2019’s record high of 3.262 trillion miles driven. Total miles driven during 2021 and 2022 were 3.14 trillion and 3.169 trillion, respectively, according to U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT), … Read more

Appellate court upholds life-saving, cross-state air-pollution rule

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit today unanimously rejected a challenge to the most recent update of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, which protects millions of Americans from dangerous air pollution that blows across state lines from upwind coal-fired power plants. Today’s decision means those protections will remain … Read more

Black carbon and its climate impact: What we know

We’ve been told lots about greenhouse gases (GHGs) and what effect these have on atmospheric warming and climate. They are therefore grouped or classified thusly as: climate pollutants. But, the climate-pollutant class is not limited to greenhouse gases alone. Black carbon (also known as elemental carbon) is an element under that umbrella as well. Carbon … Read more