Thoughtful: A (hopefully) motivational new-year message

Bluer skies, greener grass One thing we humans can’t seem to divorce ourselves from is waste. It would be nice if we could. And that there is waste, there must be places to put it. The air shouldn’t be one of those, yet, it is, unfortunately. To lessen waste’s impact, there could be less of … Read more

Green diesel locomotion: Some new-switcher-oo ‘pulling’ for a change

In all of my live-long days I have never heard a diesel locomotive described – for all practical purposes – as a black-soot-belching volcano; that is, not before today. But, seriously. If the majority of diesel locomotives contribute a fair amount of locomotive-engine-sourced pollution released into the atmosphere then I could definitely understand why efforts aimed at “greening” diesel … Read more

Electric, steam, diesel, and LNG: Locomotive development on a roll

Back on Jan. 17th in “CATS: Diesel-electric versus pure electric train operations – pros and cons,” I wrote: “I was born in the age of the diesel loco. Steam as locomotive propulsion power, although reaching a zenith right around World War II, quite interestingly, maintains a presence, albeit a shadow of its former self by … Read more

In a nutshell: The good and bad of Valley air-pollution reduction

I keep hearing or reading where San Joaquin Valley, California business owners have paid billions of dollars over the years to reduce their contribution to air pollution by as much as 80 percent. Directly related to this businesses, since the 1980s, are credited by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD or Valley Air District) … Read more

Reducing black carbon, carbon dioxide, particle pollution in California air

The California Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board (ARB) in “Fact Sheet: California’s Plan to Reduce Diesel Particulate Matter Emissions,” notes, “In 1998, California identified diesel particulate matter (diesel PM) as a toxic air contaminant based on its potential to cause cancer and other adverse health effects.” Added ARB in 2004: “Each year in California, … Read more

Clean air: Not a pressing-enough matter, apparently

I can say with a high degree of confidence that when air pollution is viewed as a serious enough problem (taken here to mean that such is viewed by the vast majority of people to be a serious health threat and one of considerable concern) and/or the issue becomes important enough to enough people, then … Read more

A ‘conditional’ go-ahead re fracking in California

With an estimated 250 million motor vehicles plying American roadways daily, I can’t help but think of all of the gasoline being consumed yearly. Using an annual average per-capita vehicle miles traveled rate of 9,363 and an arbitrary average vehicle-miles-per-gallon rating of 17, in doing the math, that works out to the burning by each vehicle … Read more